We’re sure many of you, like all of us at stem4, were saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We pass on our deepest condolences to the Royal Family and everyone who loved her at this difficult time.
stem4 will be respecting and honouring the life of Her Majesty through the period of national mourning and, as such, we are postponing Youth Mental Health Day until 22nd September.

Youth Mental Health Day 2022: September 22nd
We hope you will still join our #ConnectMeaningfully message on 22nd September, which is more poignant than ever as many across the UK and the world connect together in grieving.
As a teenage mental health charity, we strive to support and promote teenage mental health every day and appreciate that some of you may choose to keep your #YMHD celebrations to the 19th September. However you celebrate Youth Mental Health Day, please do tag us @stem4org and use our hashtags #YMHD and #ConnectMeaningfully as we would love to see it.
For any Youth Mental Health Day enquiries, please email ymhd@stem4.org.uk. You can also download the official YMHD resources at youthmentalhealthday.co.uk.
Dealing with Grief and Loss
Death stirs up feelings of loss and grief for many. If you or your young person(s) are affected by loss at this time, please reach out and speak to someone. You can also read our blog post with clinical tips for dealing with grief and loss.