Take a look back at stem4’s Parent Mental Health Day 2024 …

stem4’s Parent Mental Health Day 2024 took place on Saturday the 27th of January 2024.

The theme of this year’s campaign, focused on Saturday 27th January, was #CreatingPositiveRelationships. Against a backdrop of the still rising cost of living crisis, and of growing concerns about digital harms, rising rates of mental ill health and stretched NHS services, PMHD 2024 focussed on practical ways in which parents and carers could create positive family relationships, minimising a negative impact on the mental health of parents, carers, children and young people.

Throughout the campaign, stem4 provided organisations, corporates, parents’ groups and families with information packs filled with tips and advice on how to strengthen relationships and get them back on track, while shining a spotlight on parents’ mental health. These resources can be downloaded here. 

On PMHD stem4 encouraged parents and carers people to reflect on the impact of mental health on their own and their families’ relationships, to share thoughts on how to #CreatingPositiveRelationships and to take positive steps to make change.

We were so encouraged by the number of parents, carers and organisations who took to social media and posted their support for #stem4PMHD by sharing what #CreatingPositiveRelationships meant to them.

Take a look back at #stem4PMHD 2024

Take a look back at #stem4PMHD 2024

We would like to sincerely thank everybody that got involved with our Parent Mental Health Day campaign and helped us to raise awareness about the importance of parent and carer’s mental health, and we can’t wait to see how you get involved again in 2025!

Our PMHD Survey

Daily pressures cause many UK families to struggle with their mental health: Many of the country’s parents and carers feel overwhelmed, isolated, and unable to cope.

In a survey of 2,012 regionally representative parents carried out by stem4, eight in ten (82%) parents/carers reported that pressures often leave them feeling overwhelmed, and increasingly lonely, isolated and disconnected from friends and family, and even work colleagues.

Dr Nihara Krause MBE, consultant clinical psychologist, CEO, and founder of youth mental health charity, stem4, commented:
“Parent Mental Health Day was created to strengthen family connections and wellbeing. With so many parents and carers feeling overwhelmed, isolated from friends and family, and unable to cope, we are focusing this year on building strength and resilience through Creating Positive Relationships.

Positive relationships play a significant factor in a person’s mental health and wellbeing. Since they are rewarding, they contribute to happiness. People who are isolated present with higher rates of mental and physical ill health than people who benefit from positive relationships. We can infer that our connections play a determining role in maintaining good mental health and keeping a person physically well.

Parent Mental Health Day cannot presume to achieve an immediate change in government policy, but we hope to shine a light on the challenges faced by so many of today’s parents and carers, while also providing families with practical support and advice so that they can strengthen their relationships and get back on track.”

We hope that the resources we provided this Parent Mental Health Day gave parents and carers a range of ideas on how to Create Positive Relationships.

The press release is available here.

Download our 'Creating Positive Relationships' PMHD 2024 resources

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