
Steps to change

Addictions are hard to admit to having but taking the first steps to change is definitely worth it. No matter how hopeless it seems, recovery is possible once you make a commitment to alter thoughts and behaviours associated with a substance or behaviour that you are misusing.

The first step is the hardest and that is about admitting you have a problem. The second is making yourself a promise that you will endeavour to make a change, bit by bit.

You may have lots of doubts but don’t let them put you off, uncertainty is normal. Focus instead on how you will benefit and support yourself to move towards an addiction free life.

Why change?

  • “I’ve failed”
  • “My parents will be disappointed with me”
  • “My friends are going to think I’m a loser”
  • “If school finds out I’ll be kicked out”
  • “There’s nothing I can do”
  • “I’m not the one with the problem, everyone else is”
  • “Denial is common, face facts…”
  • “You can recover from an addiction and there is a lot of support to help you do this”
  • “You will be seen as succeeding if you beat an addiction”
  • “If school knows you are following a treatment programme they will think more positively about you”

Four steps to change

  • Acknowledge that you are overusing and over-reliant on the substance or activity/behaviour and that you would like to change. This means telling someone about it or seeking help
  • People you can talk to may include a helpful friend who can support you to get the right help, a teacher, your parents, your GP
  • Give up the drug or activity/behaviour you are addicted to. You can’t manage an addiction as long as you keep doing it. To learn control you have to first give up completely. You will need some help to manage this:

Learn to Develop Bounce Factors

How to Bounce and Not Break

Dr Krause at stem4 promotes the concept of developing a range of ‘bounce’ factors that enable an individual to deal with ‘break’ factors that can prompt the development of mental health problems.

Break factors for addiction include:

  • A family history of addiction
  • Being male
  • Peer pressure
  • Low social confidence
  • Having another psychological problem such as anxiety, depression, ADHD/ADD
  • Difficult or traumatic experiences including abuse
  • Loneliness
  • The younger you are when you first start
  • The drug itself – some drugs are highly addictive for example nicotine, heroin, cocaine, as are some behaviours, e.g. gaming
  • The method by which you take the drug; smoking or injecting increases its addictive potential

Bounce factors include:

  • Early identification
  • Getting early help
  • Building social confidence by not isolating yourself
  • Making sure you make links with friends and family
  • Relying on supportive friends and being honest with them about the addiction
  • Talking about things that bother you
  • Challenging negative thoughts – there is always an alternative view
  • Recognising triggers to your addiction (keep a diary – is it a certain mood that makes you want to do something in excess? Is it a situation or a group of friends, for example?). See if you can change your response or avoid these triggers until you can break the addiction
  • Being persistent – giving up an addiction takes time and patience
  • Some people may relapse, don’t despair, it’s normal. This is when you stop your good habits for a period of time and for whatever reasons go back to an old addiction. Try and stay strong and avoid this, but if it happens:
    • Don’t give up – changing behaviour isn’t easy, and it may help you to learn from your mistakes
    • Get back on track – you will gradually feel stronger
    • Seek help – not everyone can fight addictions on their own, and that is nothing to be ashamed of

Visit our Further Advice page for details of other organisations that can help.

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