Whilst some might argue that the link between man and nature is not new, over the pandemic many people turned to nature; they reported that a renewed or new interest in gardening, being in green spaces, and even cold-water swimming helped them manage ongoing stress.

Picture of someone's feet walking on a log in the woods

There are multiple reasons why nature is good for your mental health. It is calming and, through the stimulation of the various senses, helps a person to be focused and mindful. It can take you out of yourself to look beyond you.

Nature can also generate lots of positive emotions such as happiness, being peaceful, being playful or creative.

Tips on how to use nature to help your mental health

1. Find somewhere in nature that works for you

For example, a park, a quiet road you like to walk down, a pond, a patch of grass. Make this your special place to spend some time in.

2. Find some ways in which you can interact with nature

For example, dip your toes in water, do bird spotting, sketch, do some stretching or yoga.

3. Just notice

See, smell, hear, touch, and look when you are in nature.

4. Do some exercise in nature when you can

Think about expressing negative feelings as you run or walk so that you feel calm and tired when you get home.

5. Be creative outdoors

For example, sketch, plant, write.

6. Look after nature

Protect the environment, recycle, and conserve.

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