In celebration of World Mental Health Day 2019, stem4 is proud to invite you to a talk hosted by their founder and CEO Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist.

Thursday 3rd October 2019

7 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.

Kings College School, Wimbledon, London

£10 minimum suggested donation per person. Entrance includes a glass of wine.

stem4 is an award-winning, Wimbledon based teenage mental health charity, which specialises in providing clinically informed information and effective management strategies. The talk will focus on children and young people’s mental health and will include the presentation of stem4’s new free app ‘Combined Minds’.

Combined Minds was funded by the generous donation of parents who attended the stem4 2018 World Mental Health Day fundraising event and is centred around providing support and information for the friends and families of those struggling with mental ill-health. Those closest to young people are often the first to find themselves in a position of supporting them with mental illness, for which the app provides a wealth of both long term and immediate strategies.

With young people’s mental health being as important as their physical health, it is essential that parents and carers are adequately informed about the signs and symptoms of emerging mental health issues and what steps they can take at their showing. Mental health issues often emerge in late childhood or early adolescence and early intervention is one of the keys to successful treatment.