• Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School was selected recently to participate in an event called “Tenner Relay”. The team was given  £10 by the school and asked to make as much profit as they could in 24 hours  and that profit would then be given to charity. STEM4 were delighted to be selected as their chosen charity. This is what happened in their own words;
  • “To make our profit we decided to do an ‘around the world diner’. We bought French pastries for breakfast and with that profit American  doughnuts for break and then with breaks’ profit  bought Italian pizza for lunch.
  • 11M gave up their free time to sell as much food as possible in order to make as much profit as we could in the short time we were allowed. We made £155 from the £10 we were provided with. We chose STEM4 because one pupil ( Saffron Abrahams) in the class is doing a skydive for them and we want to support them as much as possible.”
  • Thank you 11M and all the students who supported their endeavour buy buying their goods. We are so fortunate to have such enterprising young supporters.
  • tenner challenger at qegs