STEP-up © Self-Care Checker results

Well done for checking your self-care. Your overall score is {survey_total_score}.

It’s time to STEP-up!

People with this score may be more on the less healthy side of the mental health spectrum. Look at each STEP-up sub-category score and plan to move up to doing more self-care. Take a look at our self-care tips or, if you need further help, visit our Further Advice page.

You are towards the middle of the mental health spectrum.

Why not STEP-up more for better mental health? Look at each subcategory score and plan to move up to doing more self-care. You can also have a look at some of our tips.

Congratulations, you are moving on the right side of the mental health spectrum!

However, to stay on this side, you will benefit from keeping up your self-care, so keep practising and check-in to STEP-up regularly.

Self-care should be balanced between each STEP section. If most of your answers were ‘rarely’ or ’sometimes’ in some of the STEP categories, then follow some of the self-care tips below and re-assess yourself again at about the same interval monthly. Aim to improve your self-care so you can answer ‘I do this often’ more times than not!

STEP-up Self-care Tips

Check out our self-care tips for each category:

stem4’s Apps

stem4’s apps can help support you with your mental health:

Calm Harm phone
Clear Fear phone
Combined Minds phone
Move Mood phone
Worth Warrior phone

Please note that these apps are an aid in treatment but do not replace it. For links to further help, please visit our Further Advice page:

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