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Malta Marathon
- Thank you to all of you for your fantastic support! A wonderful but exhausting weekend was had by all walkers, runners, sandwich makers and supporters. The STEM4 team ranged in age from 19 to 78 – with two competitors coming in first in their age group.
- Three STEM4 members, the founder Dr Nihara Krause, trustee Anne Martin and design consultant Amanda Berry took part in the half marathon. Two more – Serena Cottrell and Liz Scalzo were there to rally the troops – and keep them well nourished after they crossed the finish line.
- In true spirit of STEM4, nine runners were under the age of 21. The youngest man to complete the full marathon was Andrew Hadley, who came first in his age category. The youngest to compete in the half marathon were Anna Berry, Lily Krause and Rosie Adkins (all 19). Natasha Krause and Georgina Berry also ran making it five ex Wimbledon High School girls.
- Our thanks to Eugene Cariage who raised over £3000. This was Eugene’s first half marathon which he completed in excellent timing – the achievement made even more worthy by the fact that it was a challenge he set himself after having given up smoking. The picture shown was in Torino, Italy, 2006 “I was asked if I wanted to be a torchbearer and run a leg of the Olympic Torch Relay before the 2006 Winter Olympic Games – it’s my Olympic moment!”
- Also thanks to Anne Martin, a trustee of STEM4, who raised £2,100 in the half marathon walk. Anne is a lawyer and the whole Martin family have been very involved in their contribution to STEM4.
- And thanks to John Krause for organising us all (John ran a personal best at 3hours 11 minutes – putting him in the elite runner category) and to his assistant Katerina for sorting out all the administration.
- As soon as we know how much money you raised, we’ll let you know . . . watch this space. And if you’d like to see the team in action you can see more pics on Flickr.
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