stem4, teenage mental health charity, wishes everyone a happy and safe pride season. It has been difficult to participate in pride this year with many pride parades being cancelled due to COVID-19. On a more personal level, the disruption to normal life may have made it more difficult to feel like celebrating. However, everyone deserves to celebrate who they are, regardless of whether they are able to march with a pride parade or not. So, here are some quick tips for making the most of the season and having a happy pride from the comfort of your own home:

  • Make a pride playlist and spend a day – or month – listening to it!
  • Host a Virtual Pride with your friends – check your local pride to see if they are hosting a virtual event instead of a parade. Watch it and have a video call on the side to celebrate.
  • Make a pride painting – it could be a parade, a historical event, a flag or someone who inspires you.
  • Read a book with LGBT characters!
  • Host an LGBT themed quiz – test your family or friends on their history, pop culture and more.
  • Write a pride poem – whether it’s fun, serious or silly, let out what pride means to you.

If you are not a member of the LGBT community, why not give an LGBT friend a mental health boost? You could:

  • Send a card or letter to an LGBT friend / family member
  • Call an LGBT loved one and ask them how they are doing
  • Throw a virtual LGBT movie night for a friend or family member
  • Bake a rainbow cake for an LGBT loved one or community member

For more mental health tips and tricks, why not explore the rest of our website (particularly our resilience tips), or follow us on Instagram?