Throughout the next year, the SUN will be making dozens of donations to help small UK charities and they want YOU to decide who! Want to give the gift of nominating stem4 to win one of these donations between £2,000 and £20,000? All you need to do is visit the SUN competitions website and enter stem4 as your charity of choice! We’ve made it easy for you, with all the information you need down below. Thank you so much in advance for your on going support.

Charity: stem4

Charity No: 1144506

Tel No: 07857388295

Category: Children and Young People


Area of benefit: London

Who is stem4?

stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them including their families and carers, education professionals, school nurses and GPs through the provision of mental health education, resilience strategies and early intervention.This is primarily provided digitally through our innovative education programme, pioneering mental health apps, clinically-informed website and mental health conferences that contribute to helping young people and those around them flourish.

Our young people today face ever tougher and complex challenges and yet all deserve the ability to look to a positive, bright, healthy future with the benefit of appropriate, clinically based support. They are our future. Let’s keep them buoyant to enjoy the fulfilment and enjoyment life has to offer.

Why stem4?

Funding would enable stem4 to reach further students, parents and carers through their delivery of Student/Parent Conferences across London, to inform and educate. Funding would enable stem4 to increase and secure sustainability for their digital app development to reach as many young people globally.(there have been over 1million downloads across the world to date) It would enable them to expand staff provision to explore further opportunities. From the smallest grant of £2k which would facilitate a multi-school conference for 120 children, to £5k to maintain the Calm Harm app for 12 months to a larger contribution which would support the development of an evidence based app (£67k) every donation counts. Please show support for this much needed charity to secure a brighter future for our children and young people. Thank you.


Deadline is the 18th of December! Get your nominations in today as a wonderful gift to our charity.