stem4 receives hundreds of requests each year for free mental health resources from young people, their parents/carers, schools, and many others. This Christmas, we’re asking you to give the gift of a resource pack.

What does stem4 do?

stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers, young people, and those who support them including their families, carers, education professionals, school nurses, and GPs.

We do this through the provision of clinically informed, free downloadable apps, an innovative education programme (Head Ed), and a website to promote resilience strategies and the benefits of early identification and intervention of mental health disorders. All our activities contribute to helping young people (and those around them) flourish.

Gift a stem4 Resource Pack this Giving Season

Each resource pack stem4 sends out costs an average of £5 and, this giving season, we ask you to give the gift of a resource pack to those in need. Putting resources directly into the hands of those who need them can make the difference to achieving positive mental health.

stem4’s clinically-developed resources cover key issues such as Asking for Help (for teenagers) and Starting the Conversation with Boys and Young Men (for parents/carers), as well as condition-specific information and signposting.