
Latest Past Events

Christmas Carols in Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square, London

Join us in Trafalgar Square on 7th December for a free Christmas carol concert (generously delivered by The Chase Choir).


Santa in the City 2022

Tate Modern Tate Modern, Bankside, London

Santa in the City is the perfect way to get you, your friends, and family into the London festive spirit by taking part in a 4.5km festive fun run on 7th or 8th December - or virtually!

stem4’s Wishing Trees | December 2022

Wimbledon Common (OR virtually!) Windmill Rd, Wimbledon, London

stem4's Wishing Trees are back! For the 3rd year, stem4 will be spreading festive cheer and raising money for teenage mental health in December. You can join in by donating (either virtually or in-person at Wimbledon Common) and adding your message to a bauble on one of our Wishing Trees!

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