For all those dealing with grief this International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day 2020.

Dealing with and expressing grief is always a tremendously difficult process, however with to COVID-19 restrictions meaning the comfort of touch and face to face connection is absent, it is important that we find other ways to process the emotions we might be feeling. Turning to words is one such way to find comfort.

Indeed, reading can be a powerful support at a time of loss. It provides a sense of not being alone, and helps us to understand out feelings are shared by many others. Reading also helps us to connect to inner emotions that are sometimes too painful to acknowledge or put into words, allowing us to vent pain, anger and sadness in a healthy way. Poems about grief , for example, may be some comfort since grief can be buried deep, especially after a sudden loss. ‘Grief is a Mouse’ A Poem by Emily Dickinson (1830-36) captures how deeply grief is felt, but hidden away: likening it to ‘a mouse in the wainscot,’ where we are aware of it continually, but seldom see it.

Grief is a Mouse —
And chooses the Wainscot in the Breast
For His Shy House —
And baffles quest—

Grief is a Thief — quick startled —
Pricks His Ear — report to hear
Of that Vast Dark —
That swept His Being — back—

Grief is a Juggler — boldest at the Play —
Lest if He flinch — the eye that way
Pounce on His Bruises — One — say — or Three —
Grief is a Gourmand — spare His luxury —

Best Grief is Tongueless — before He’ll tell —
Burn Him in the Public Square —
His Ashes — will
Possibly — if they refuse — How then know —
Since a Rack couldn’t coax a syllable — now.

Writing when grieving can also be beneficial to both physical and mental health. Expressing yourself through words can help in releasing feelings that otherwise cause inner pain and stress. The strong emotions within us can be let out via writing, allowing us not to keep everything hidden inside. Why not try writing your own poem, about grieving, your feelings, or just the day you have had. You might be surprised how much it can help.


Visit the International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Website

If you’re struggling with you’re mental health, stem4 has a list of further helplines, advice and resources for you.