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The COVID-19 pandemic has re-written the rules of change and created upheaval in the lives of all of us, especially children and young people. Responding and adapting to what lies ahead requires young people to build resilience, so they can find positive ways to navigate the potential challenges they may face. This seminar will explore the concept of resilience and provide a model of developing post-pandemic resilience as well as focus on supporting transitions, improving achievements, promoting healthy behaviours and addressing interpersonal issues. There will be an introduction on ways to educate students about resilience using the stem4 Head Ed resource, including setting the scene, content and discussion points.

This 1hour seminar will comprise a mix of presentation and discussion as well as an optional 30 minutes of Q&A with Dr Krause following the session. Attendees will also be given access to Head Ed, our new online mental health curriculum, with the possibility to be part of a small pilot group for a further learning session and feedback on the module.

This seminar is suitable for – Education Professionals working with Key Stage 3,4 and college-level students.

About stem4 – stem4 is a charity that aims to support positive mental health in young people and those who support them, this is done digitally through a range of apps, online resources and now also via webinar.

About the speaker – Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Nihara Krause has extensive experience working with young people and adults in various mental health settings. She has won multiple awards for her work and is the CEO and founder of stem4.


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