

About stem7

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So far stem7 has created 180 blog entries.

stem4 student conference at Ark Putney Academy

On 15th January, stem4 held a student conference on teenage mental health at Ark Putney Academy. We welcomed 100 student representatives from 9 schools across Merton and Wandsworth to come and learn more about why good mental health is important and to hear our ambassadors Naomi Cavaday, Michael and Iain Maitland talk about their

stem4 has a new home!

We are delighted to announce that stem4 has a new home at Wimbledon Business Centre in the Old Town Hall, right next to Wimbledon Station.

Stay in the moment

Don't forget that whatever happened yesterday stays in yesterday, and that everyday has the chance to be the best possible day whatever happens. Know that there is always someone thinking about you, and that you can always talk to someone, even if it is online.

International Men’s Day

November the 19th is International Men’s Day 12.5% males in the UK suffer from one of the common mental ill-health conditions (Men’s Health Forum, 2016). However, the presentation of mental health problems in males is often under-diagnosed, with many men not seeking help in the first place. Traditional treatments such as talking therapies are

Local Charities Day and stem4

Our aim at stem4 is to support teenage mental health, raise awareness, build resilience and encourage early intervention. Founding stem4 I founded stem4 in 2011, after the death of a 16-year-old who had anorexia nervosa and whose school I became involved with in my clinical capacity. Since then we have extended our scope to

The Great British Quiz Off

Morrisons Solicitors held their annual charity quiz on Thursday 9th November at the Antionette Hotel in Wimbledon in aid of stem4. Our grey matter was really put to the test on all things British while guests enjoyed some classic British dishes! Thank you to Morrisons for helping raise our profile in the local community

Local Charities Day 2017 – Connect4 stem4

Friday 15th December 2017 is the government’s Local Charities Day, highlighting the work of small charities that are making remarkable differences in their communities. To mark this stem4 is launching ‘Connect4 stem4’ when schools and organisations will be urged to connect for 4 minutes, 14 minutes or 40 minutes doing an activity of their

Making Some Time to Talk on World Mental Health Day

On World Mental Health Day, when we are reminded of the importance of looking after our mental health, what can we all collectively do that’s helpful? My recommendation as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and CEO of stem4 would be to recommend making some time to talk today. Talk the good old-fashioned way using words,

Exam results advice

For all students exam results herald a change - whether it's GCSEs and a move onto the sixth form, work, new school or college; A’ levels/IB and a decision to go to university, work, retakes, gap year or having to make a whole new decision. Whatever the choice it's important to negotiate this transition

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