stem4 was lucky enough this week to be the beneficiary of the fantastic fundraising efforts of Manheim Wimbledon. From charity auctions to summer BBQ’s and sponsored own clothes day to bike rides, their staff have been working hard all year round to raise money to help foster positive mental health in teenagers. Manheim Wimbledon’s customers were also involved, with some particularly generous individuals donating the value of their car to the cause.
stem4 is incredibly grateful to have been selected to be the Mainheim Wimbledon charity of 2019 and is appreciative of the immense effort their staff – and in particular their fundraising team – have put in all year round to raise an impressive total of £2,400.
stem4 are presented with a cheque by the wonderful Manheim Wimbledon fundraising team
Pictured – Caroline Cox (stem4 Fundraising Manager); Charlotte White, Jessica Chauca, Anna Clingan (stem4 Communications Coordinator) & Lazhar Sassi.
Are you interested in fundraising for stem4? Whether you’re part of a corporate team looking for a new charity to support, or an individual wanting a new challenge – visit our fundraising page HERE!